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A biotech client asked CSI to source Lucentis for a Phase II ophthalmology trial.

Comparator Sourcing for a Phase II Ophthalmology Study

CSI Efficiently Delivered Venetoclax and Azacitidine Across 17 Countries

How CSI streamlined Venetoclax and Azacitidine supply across 17 countries in record time

Export of expensive comparators from Europe to China with first leg documents and streamlined approach

CSI’s seamless comparator export to China

How CSI rescued an oncology trial when a competitor failed to deliver, despite an extremely tight deadline and scarce supply on the market

Rescuing a Global Biotech's Oncology Study with Cetuximab

How CSI has saved a leading global pharmaceutical company €1 million by sourcing pembrolizumab from the market at the best possible price

Delivering €1 million Savings for Pembrolizumab

How CSI supplied large quantities of Jakavi to a Biotech’s ongoing Phase 3 oncology study involving 14 countries, nine depots and 67 site shipments

Global Jakavi Study

How the flexibility and initiative of CSI’s Quality team overcame challenges to ensure timely product supply for a partner’s ongoing clinical trial

A Quality Solution to Clinical Trial Supply

How CSI delivered mission impossible: sourcing specific tested batches of an expensive oncology product from several European markets

Oncology Product Batch Hunting

How CSI used its scientific expertise at the protocol stage to provide flexibility in sourcing strategy and ensure high volumes of a single product were supplied on time to multiple countries

Delivering Comparators for a Global Allergy Study

How CSI’s regulatory guidance and robust sourcing solutions ensured the success of a global flu vaccine trial that could not afford to run behind schedule

Sourcing Flu Vaccines for a Global Trial

How CSI leveraged its vendor and warehouse networks to supply aflibercept for a leading CRO’s study within a tight deadline

Rapid Eylea Study Supply

How CSI’s scientific insight delivered an agile sourcing model and substantial cost savings for a listed biotechnology company’s global trial

Streamlining Biotechnology Supply Chains


CSI was tasked with providing crucial support to a large CRO company in distributing devices for a five-year and a three-year study spanning 18 countries in Europe (EU), South Africa, the United States (US) and Asia-Pacific (APAC). A central sourcing approach was not suitable for the client due to import and export complications, as well as the high VAT of the required product.

It was a particular challenge to find 18 warehouses that were able to accommodate the storage of the required devices within a short timeframe since they contained lithium batteries, which are classed as dangerous goods. The majority of GMP warehouses are limited to the storage of medication, which made qualification all the more complex.


After conducting a rigorous search and leveraging our networks, CSI identified suitable partner warehouses, auditing and qualifying them within the rapid timeframe required for the client’s study to progress without delay.


With CSI’s outstanding supply chain solutions and expertise in import and export, we managed the delivery of stock to all depots and sites across the world. We also managed the returns and destructions of all devices.

CSI’s flexible approach to ancillary sourcing ensured we were able to supply all sites before the Site Initiation Visit (SIV), enabling the client’s study to commence on time.

Case Study

Global Device Distribution

CSI’s flexible approach to global distribution ensured a large CRO's five-year and three-year studies across a total of 18 countries could proceed without delay


To distribute devices containing lithium batteries for a large CRO's five-year and three-year studies, spanning 18 countries around the world


CSI audited and qualified 14 new warehouses able to accommodate the devices (classed as dangerous goods) within a tight timeframe


Stock was provided to all sites globally, the client’s study commenced without delay, and CSI managed all returns and destructions

Get in touch with a member of our experienced team today to discuss your clinical trial supply requirements

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